MEKY Billing Services


  • Greater efficiency: Outsourced medical billing can be key to ensuring your team isn’t overworked, especially if you’re a small practice. Small practices’ front-office teams are often jacks of many trades, for whom the revenue cycle is tedious, lengthy and complex. Outsourcing the process (partially or entirely) alleviates this challenge.
  • Higher accuracy: Claim errors from carelessness are a huge revenue drain. When you outsource your billing to experts, especially those with rules-based engines, you mitigate this risk. These experts and their technology are a powerful combination for identifying potential claim errors and solving them before they become huge issues.
  • More collections: Outsourced medical billing teams focus entirely on billing, resulting in more collections more quickly. Given their many responsibilities, even the best in-house teams can rarely achieve the revenue peaks possible with outsourcing.
  • In-depth data and analytics: Many medical billing services analyze your accounts receivable and use the trends they observe to suggest modifications to your processes. You should also be able to create reports at will in the included PMS. These reports can give you a clear view of your finances and show you how to adjust your operations for more revenue.
  • Practice management consultation: Especially for smaller practices, the consulting services that accompany RCM can precede growth. The operational advice you receive can result in more revenue, which you can invest in hiring more staff or expanding your services. And if you follow your consultant’s recommendations, you’ll be on a fast path to even more revenue soon enough.


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